Hackspace Demo Day 2020

Tuesday 17 March, 2020
All day
Imperial College Main Entrance, Exhibition Road, South Kensington

Following the College’s advice and in response to COVID-19 unfortunately Hackspace Demo Day 2020 had to be postponed this year. We plan to deliver the event later in the year, so please watch this space for further details! 

Hackspace’s flagship event, our annual “Demo Day” exhibition showcases the work developed by our members during the past year. During this interactive event, students and researchers will display their prototypes and research to the Imperial College community – highlighting the diverse range of projects being imagined at Hackspace. Visitors will learn what support is available, will be able to “meet the makers”, and will have the opportunity to discuss ideas with our resident Hack Fellows.

“Meet the maker” hours will occur at 11-12pm and 1-2pm – make sure to stop by during these times to have to opportunity to talk with our exhibitors, learn more about their projects and even get to demo their inventions yourself!

Hackspace Demo Day is a part of Enterprise Divisions “Enterprise Week” – which brings researchers, students and businesses together as part of a flourishing entrepreneurial ecosystem.

More from Hackspace

Discover what’s going on at the Hackspace.

Students show their prototypes in the workshop

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Students talk in the workshop with a Hack Fellow

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The electronics and digital manufacturing workshop at Hackspace

Our facilities