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Welcome to the Hacker toolkit – a selection of “how to” articles, useful links, hacker interviews, tips and tricks for equipment and processes, and lots more juicy nuggets of information designed to get you started on your making journey!
3D Printing…
Getting Started with Design for 3D Printing
Master the fundamentals of designing for 3D printing
Getting Started with Soldering
Learn the basics of electronics and how to solder
Get started guide…
Hack at Home “whatever the weather” coding challenge
Our friends over at Research Software Engineering have put together a super useful guide on GitHub, which explains how to write a super-minimal Python app – without making things complicated. All you’ll need is a Gmail login and a GitHub account to get started.
The long read…
A beginner’s guide to rapid prototyping
Prototyping is the idea of making something, and rapid is obviously doing that really fast. A prototype can be a very powerful tool to sell your idea. Here Hannah Cameron talks us through rapid prototyping and her top tips on how to get started.
How to…
Print prototypes for product development
3D printing has revolutionised the prototyping and development of physical products. With limited experience, you can rapidly create models or even small-scale production-runs of products with a very quick turnaround from design to realisation.
Latest articles…

Imperial engineers work with local youth club to design and build e-scooters
Imperial has been working with North Paddington Youth Club to build electric scooters alongside the College's engineers.

When Science and Art collide: White City Sculpture Challenge
The 2022 Sculpture Challenge will provide students the opportunity to collaborate and bring their vision to reality, resulting in the winning sculpture having a permanent presence at the White City Campus.

Hackstarter programme launches to support Imperial’s student makers and creators
Imperial College Advanced Hackspace launches Hackstarter to provide £500 prototype development grants.
Useful links…
3D Modelling
Autodesk Fusion 360 A cloud-based 3D CAD design tool that’s free to students and academics
Meshmixer Free software for modelling, making and printing
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