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What we do
Hackspace members can access all our facilities.

Our resident Hack fellows are on hand to offer expert advice. They’ve all walked in your shoes, so are perfectly placed to help you.Â

At Hackspace you’ll find rapid prototyping, modelling and fabrication spaces, as well as the latest equipment to help you bring your idea to life.

Want expand your horizons? We have plenty of options on offer so you can get an extra qualification, or learn a skill. If you’ve got the will, we’ve got the course.Â

We have an exciting year-round programme of events covering a vast array of topics and with speakers from all the world to spark your imagination.
Discover more
Learn about the Hackspace, meet staff members and hear from founders who have benefitted from our facilities and expertise.
Click the image to play our Hackspace intro video.

Catch up on the latest goings-on at Hackspace.

Imperial engineers work with local youth club to design and build e-scooters
Imperial has been working with North Paddington Youth Club to build electric scooters alongside the College's engineers.

When Science and Art collide: White City Sculpture Challenge
The 2022 Sculpture Challenge will provide students the opportunity to collaborate and bring their vision to reality, resulting in the winning sculpture having a permanent presence at the White City Campus.

Hackstarter programme launches to support Imperial’s student makers and creators
Imperial College Advanced Hackspace launches Hackstarter to provide £500 prototype development grants.
A two column text strip with intro para.
Nullam venenatis, magna at iaculis pulvinar, dui urna euismod dui, vel auctor dui lectus in nisi. Integer ut mauris tempus, pulvinar odio vitae, hendrerit massa. Pellentesque ultrices dapibus porttitor. Vestibulum fermentum ante quis ipsum porttitor, et faucibus urna tempus. Integer fermentum velit nec massa maximus, at lobortis tellus luctus.
Nullam venenatis, magna at iaculis pulvinar, dui urna euismod dui, vel auctor dui lectus in nisi. Integer ut mauris tempus, pulvinar odio vitae, hendrerit massa. Pellentesque ultrices dapibus porttitor. Vestibulum fermentum ante quis ipsum porttitor, et faucibus urna tempus. Integer fermentum velit nec massa maximus, at lobortis tellus luctus. Aenean venenatis convallis consequat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pulvinar lobortis ligula, vitae iaculis purus ultricies at.
Praesent dignissim lectus ac elit hendrerit, eu tempor eros tristique. Pellentesque auctor fringilla quam, ac dignissim eros dignissim ut. Vivamus in velit ullamcorper, auctor sapien et, viverra quam. Sed porttitor, lectus quis pellentesque lobortis, eros diam venenatis turpis, interdum lacinia eros nisi eu ex. Fusce viverra erat nec mollis egestas. Vestibulum ut erat auctor, dignissim mi eget, vehicula ligula. Morbi viverra dui non mauris egestas, ac lacinia nibh lobortis. Fusce finibus, ligula non pulvinar suscipit, risus massa volutpat tellus, eget volutpat mi libero id nunc. Curabitur hendrerit euismod nisl ac dapibus.
Etiam ut diam nunc. Ut aliquet varius maximus. Cras consequat eleifend vestibulum. Maecenas mattis justo ex, nec mollis augue fermentum et. Vivamus in turpis eget purus mattis vulputate sed ut lectus. Quisque ut odio non erat placerat pharetra sed eu mi. Nullam luctus purus ac ullamcorper elementum. Proin fermentum faucibus ullamcorper. Maecenas elementum metus ut est viverra, non consectetur magna porta. Vivamus in volutpat purus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget lacus at arcu auctor volutpat. Proin ac rhoncus metus, at lobortis mauris. Cras sed feugiat justo. Vivamus sit amet hendrerit est. Mauris vitae ipsum eget ex aliquam interdum quis sit amet tellus.
Vivamus ac metus tincidunt, luctus diam eu, bibendum eros. Nullam venenatis, magna at iaculis pulvinar, dui urna euismod dui, vel auctor dui lectus in nisi. Integer ut mauris tempus, pulvinar odio vitae, hendrerit massa.
Pellentesque ultrices dapibus porttitor. Vestibulum fermentum ante quis ipsum porttitor, et faucibus urna tempus. Integer fermentum velit nec massa maximus, at lobortis tellus luctus. Aenean venenatis convallis consequat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pulvinar lobortis ligula, vitae iaculis purus ultricies at.
Pellentesque ultrices dapibus porttitor. Vestibulum fermentum ante quis ipsum porttitor, et faucibus urna tempus. Integer fermentum velit nec massa maximus, at lobortis tellus luctus. Aenean venenatis convallis consequat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pulvinar lobortis ligula, vitae iaculis purus ultricies at.
There are all kinds of things we can help with at Hackspace. Prototyping, ideas sharing, snafu fixing, bolt-on learning and much more. Here are all the things that you can do.
Attend special events
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Get expert adviceÂ
Make a prototype
Work in an awesome
and inspiring placeÂ
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Firstname Lastname
Job title goes here
Nulla nisl dui, aliquam vel porta in, tempor vitae neque. Donec commodo, massa vel dapibus consequat, diam arcu tincidunt augue, at porta augue erat at nunc.

Firstname Lastname
Job title goes here
Nulla nisl dui, aliquam vel porta in, tempor vitae neque. Donec commodo, massa vel dapibus consequat, diam arcu tincidunt augue, at porta augue erat at nunc.

Firstname Lastname
Job title goes here
Nulla nisl dui, aliquam vel porta in, tempor vitae neque. Donec commodo, massa vel dapibus consequat, diam arcu tincidunt augue, at porta augue erat at nunc.
A two column text strip with image on the right
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget lacus at arcu auctor volutpat. Proin ac rhoncus metus, at lobortis mauris. Cras sed feugiat justo. Vivamus sit amet hendrerit est.
Mauris vitae ipsum eget ex aliquam interdum quis sit amet tellus. Vivamus ac metus tincidunt, luctus diam eu, bibendum eros. Nullam venenatis, magna at iaculis pulvinar, dui urna euismod dui, vel auctor dui lectus in nisi. Integer ut mauris tempus, pulvinar odio vitae, hendrerit massa. Pellentesque ultrices dapibus porttitor. Vestibulum fermentum ante quis ipsum porttitor, et faucibus urna tempus. Integer fermentum velit nec massa maximus, at lobortis tellus luctus.
Aenean venenatis convallis consequat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pulvinar lobortis ligula, vitae iaculis purus ultricies at.

Our impact
Women supported
Women supported
Women supported
Women supported
Your Hackspace journey starts here!
Become a member and take the first step towards getting your ideas out of your head (or research paper), and into the real world. From the latest prototyping equipment to the brightest academics and entrepreneurs from across Imperial College, and a supportive, inspiring environment – Advanced Hackspace is a vibrant community like no other and is the best place to realise your ideas and make them a success.

The Imperial College Advanced Hackspace is a community like no other. We bring together inventive minds from all backgrounds, disciplines and levels of expertise to collaborate, experiment and innovate. All in the name of making amazing things happen. At Hackspace we’ll help you turn your ideas into a game-changing reality. From support and training to the latest prototyping equipment. It’s all here under one inspiring roof.

The Imperial Enterprise Lab is the place where the next generation of student innovators and entrepreneurs challenge the norm, make things happen, and change the world for the better. Whatever your idea, meet your people, develop new skills, and start your journey with us.
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